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Quote of the day

You are braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. ~ A.A. Mine

LRC Rules and Regulations


·       The LRC is kept open throughout the year except for Sundays and TMI Holidays from Monday to Friday 7.30 to 19.30 Hours and Saturday from 7.30 to 16.30 hours.

·       The Membership is open to all the registered Cadets, Faculty Members, and Staff of the TMI.

·       The Cadets membership is valid only up to the completion of the course. The membership may be terminated at any time by the Librarian.

·       All members have to carry an ID Card to enter the LRC.

·       Cadets are allowed to enter LRC in the TMI uniform only.

·  Cadets can carry only writing material with them in LRC. Other belongings such as bags, umbrellas, boxes, personal Books, Sheet containers, and other such items ought to be at the Property Counter at their own risk.

·       Silence shall be strictly observed in the LRC. Strict action will be taken against Cadets/s who do not comply with the LRC rules. This Action may result in asking the Cadet/s to leave the LRC for a Day/Week/Month/Semester. Further, the student’s affairs depart will be informed of his/her indiscipline and deduct some credits marks.

·       TMI ID is an LRC membership card only which is non-transferable.

·    Safekeeping thereof is the holder’s responsibility and he /she remains liable for the cost of any book(s) taken against this ID card.

·   In case of the loss of the ID card a duplicate card may be issued against a written application to the Admin Department.

·   Only Three books will be issued against a card for 14 days. Any book in special demand may be lent for a shorter period as decided by the Librarian. Issue of books may be terminated at any time by the order of the Librarian.

·    Cadets have to return/renew the book on or before the due date. If a delayed fine of Rs. 3.00 per book per day and a maximum of up to double the cost book will be charged. If any book /Journal/CD is not returned or replaced before the end of the semester the book will be deemed to have been lost and the borrower will have to pay double the cost of the book for replacement with a new and latest edition.

·   Reference Books containing Pink Color Book cards shall be issued overnight with special permission of the Librarian. A delay fine of Rs.50.00 per book per day is charged if the book is not returned within its due date of return.

·     Periodicals, Journals, Manuals and charts, and any other books that form a part of the reference collection or any rare valuable book shall not be lent out to the cadets without special permission of the Librarian.

·   If the borrower is found to deface or tear pages of any Book/Magazine/Newspaper, then the same will be replaced on the borrower’s account, and discredit will be given.

·     Marking with a pen/pencil, folding of pages, or any unfair practices with issued material is strictly not allowed.

· A Suggestion/ Recommendation register is available with the LRC Circulation Counter regarding the recommendation of New Books/Periodicals etc.

·       Any eatables, drinks, and celebrations are strictly not allowed in the reading hall premises.


Instructions to use Digital Library/Multimedia Library

·       Handle PC’s, computer hardware, software, and other accessories with utmost care.

·   It is the responsibility of individual users to ensure that e-resources are used for personal, educational and research purposes only, accessing e-resources for commercial use is strictly not allowed.

·  Unauthorized access to any resources is strictly prohibited and it is an individual’s liability to face the consequences (If any).

·   Login IDs, Passwords of various subscribed e-resources/databases will be communicated to the Cadets and faculty members from time to time, if access to those resources is I.P. based then those e-resources cannot be accessed beyond the boundaries of the TMI campus.

·       Authorized users may view, download, print or copy a select portion of a licensed e- resource/s.

·       Personal devices such as laptops, keyboards, mouse, Head Phones, Pen drives, Hard disks, etc are not allowed in Digital Library.

·       Sharing of logins and passwords with people other than the TMI community is strictly not




             Librarian                                                                                                              Principal 

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Reference/Rare Books
Conference Proceedings
Bound Volumes of Journals
CDs / DVDs
Monday to Friday
7.30 A.M to 7.30 PM
7.30 A.M to 4.30 PM


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